Social Contribution Activities

Environmental Activities
Basic Philosophy
MACHINE ENGINEERING CORPORATION is always aware of the importance of the global environment, and will contribute to the creation of a comfortable and prosperous society by conducting business activities with consideration for the environment.
Environmental Policy
MACHINE ENGINEERING CORPORATION has established the Environmental Policy as follows, and strives to protect the environment and prevent environmental pollution by continuously maintaining and improving the environmental management system with the participation of all employees in all business activities within the scope defined by the environmental management system.
- We strive to reduce environmental impact and prevent environmental pollution by actively promoting resource and energy conservation, recycling, and waste reduction.
- We design and develop our products in an environmentally friendly manner.
- We continue to maintain and manage green areas, cherish greenery, and give consideration to improving the global environment.
- We continuously improve our environmental management system by setting environmental objectives and targets, conducting internal audits, and conducting management reviews.
- We comply with environmental laws, regulations, and agreements we have reached in the course of our business activities.
- We strive to raise environmental awareness by ensuring that everyone working in the organization is familiar with our environmental policy.
- We disclose this environmental policy to the public as required by external parties or as otherwise necessary.
Environmental Initiatives
On February 27, 2004, we obtained ISO 14001 certification, the international standard for environmental management systems.
We will promote the "development of environmentally friendly products" by reducing the burden on the environment through the effective operation of the environmental management system.
Contributions to Local Communities

Environmental Beautification Activities
① Every year, there is an event called "Tenryu River System Environmental Picnic" organized by the Nagano Environmental Preservation Association to pick up garbage around the Tenryu River. Each year, more than 4,000 people from 100 companies participate in this major event, and MEG has been participating for more than 15 years, contributing to the beautification of the local community.
② There is a tributary of the Tenryu River called the Oizumi River right next to our company. We carry out the garbage collection of the Oizumi River every spring. The garbage we collected is processed by the village of Minamiminowa as illegally dumped garbage.

Blood Donation
Twice a year, we invite the Japanese Red Cross Blood Center to come to our company for blood donation. We have received commendations from the Kamiina Blood Donation Promotion Council and the Japanese Red Cross Society for our cooperation by more than 50 employees each time.

Donation Activities
We actively participate in activities to improve the environment for children by donating play equipment to school children's facilities, donating musical instruments to junior high schools through the issuance of private placement bonds, etc.