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Pick & place unitAchieves high-speed and stable transport of workpieces
This product was developed for high speed, high precision, and compactness. Smooth X/Z transition, secure x-axis locking mechanism during Z operation.
This is a reliable PPU that brings together the technologies developed over many years of working with mechanized products. -
Pick & place unitA proven loading unit
created by a wisdom cam mechanismRobust design that supports high precision, high rigidity, and high loads. Smooth motion with movement displacement curve. Convenient and unrivaled on-site design. This is a lineup with a proven track record of pursuing the origins of PPU.
Pick up unit
Pick-up operation as fast as 30 ms
Combining advanced cam mechanisms accumulated over many years and reliable pneumatic equipment technology, we have produced a unit that softly picks up delicate workpieces, which are sensitive to shocks, at ultra-high speed. A unique mechanism improves the handling of delicate workpieces, making what was previously considered unstable now commonplace.
Determine Position
Cam Positioning Stage
Space-saving and high-speed positional compensation made possible
You can move the stage to a predetermined position by turning the cam built in the x-axis and y-axis. The "no motor protrusion in the moving direction" style that subverts the conventional stage configuration image. Achieves high-speed position correction with outstanding space savings.
Alignment Unit
Achieves high-precision positioning even in narrow spaces
Workpiece positioning is an essential element in automatic assembly. The use of precisely assembled mechanisms is essential, especially for positioning minute workpieces. We have created an alignment unit that achieves high-speed and high-precision positioning based on years of cam manufacturing technology and high-precision component processing technology.